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Why a foreign-language school franchise and not something else.

Aggeliki Spiliopoulou, Head of Network
Foreign-language school franchises stand out from any other franchise for numerous reasons. 
First of all, there are financial reasons: a foreign-languages franchise requires small initial capital and financial obligations, as it requires a limited staff and relatively inexpensive rent as the education centers are housed in storeys above ground level rather than on the ground floor which is more expensive. 
An education franchise offers the franchisee security and assurance, especially to someone young, because it makes it possible for economic planning from the beginning of the year since they know early  on how many students it will operate with, and therefore, the minimum amount of tuition fees they will receive during the year.
An education franchise does not require pre-paid merchandise as other businesses do, nor unsold stock because something went out of fashion or the products spoiled, it is profitable from the 1st month and has large profit margins.
Education is a safe sector to invest in because foreign languages…sell! No matter how many years go by, people will learn foreign languages for practical but also personal reasons. Learning foreign languages is the key for someone to enter the job market but also for professional success and career advancement. Whoever knows foreign languages has more opportunities for work in Greece and abroad, secures their employment and seeks new job positions. 
Foreign languages franchising will always rank high among people’s choices because it is inextricably linked to the need we all have. It is not a coincidence that learning English is compulsory in all levels of education in Greece! And it is also not coincidental that in higher education the knowledge of foreign languages is required since any specialization, post-graduate degree course or doctoral dissertation, even participation in student-exchange programs must be accompanied by a very good knowledge of English.
A foreign-language franchise confers prestige and social status on its franchisee. Also, in contrast to other franchises, mainly health-regulated establishments, which require many hours of daily operation, a foreign-languages franchise entails reasonable working hours and long periods of recess (Christmas, Easter and summer holidays).
The GRAPSA foreign-languages franchise in particular provides trust and security to its franchisee for three further reasons:
  • It provides LARGE EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY which lead to a larger profit for the franchisee. Furthermore, integration into a network where each school has 300 students offers high profitability!
  • Integration into a network that includes an exemplary academic team of elite teachers who undergo constant training and evaluation so that the education standards we provide to our students remain high, because our superiority is well-known in the market and is non-debatable!
  • Integration into a network where everything is organized with high-quality guidebooks and manuals for all areas of work (secretaries, teachers, marketing, architectural planning) that are required for an outlet to operate flawlessly and profitably.